(Icelandic down below)
An A6 Card of my digital series of alternative skull zodiac symbols perfect for a gift.Capricorn are ambitious,practical and have an excellent sense of social responsibility
Capricorn birthdays 22 December ~ 19 January
Flower:pansyThis is a hand drawn but coloured digital art , Inspired by skulls,flowers and gems associated with the zodiac sign.
Size: 14,8 cm x 10,5 cm
Where to find me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chitra_helga_art/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chitrahelgaart
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/chitrahelgaart
A6 Kort af stjörnumerkjahönnuni minni einstök og drungaleg fullkomin sem gjöf.Steingeitur eru metnaðarfullar,hugsa praktíst og umhugsað um samfélagið.
Afmælisdagar Steingeita 22 Desember~ 19 Janúar
Steinn: Ruby
Handteiknuð mynd sem er stafrænlega litud! Innblásin af höfuðkúpu,blómum og steinum tengdum stjörnumerkjunum.
Stærð: 14,8 cm x 10,5 cm
Mínir félagsmidlar:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chitra_helga_art/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chitrahelgaart
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/chitrahelgaart
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